dBH_lm computes the rejection set of \(dBH_\gamma(\alpha)\) and \(dBH^2_\gamma(\alpha)\), as well as \(dSU_{\gamma, \Delta}(\alpha)\) and \(dSU^2_{\gamma, \Delta}(\alpha)\) a broad class of step-up procedures for linear models \(y = X\beta + \epsilon\) where \(X\) is a fixed-design matrix and \(\epsilon\) has i.i.d. components drawn from \(N(0, \sigma^2)\) for some unknonw variance \(\sigma^2\). dBH_lm can handle both one-sided tests \(H_i: \beta_i \le 0\) or \(H_i: \beta_i \ge 0\), and two-sided tests \(H_i: \beta_i = 0\).

  subset = 1:ncol(X),
  intercept = TRUE,
  side = c("right", "left", "two"),
  alpha = 0.05,
  gamma = NULL,
  tautype = "QC",
  niter = 1,
  avals = NULL,
  avals_type = c("BH", "geom", "bonf", "manual"),
  geom_fac = 2,
  eps = 0.05,
  qcap = 2,
  gridsize = 20,
  exptcap = 0.9,
  is_safe = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



the outcome vector.


the design matrix. The intercept term should be added manually into X to be included. See Details.


a subset of 1:ncol(X), which specifies the subset of coefficients to be tested. The default is 1:ncol(X), which tests all coefficients.


a logical indicating whether an intercept is included in the linear regression. By default, the intercept term is not tested. If it needs to be tested together with other variables, manually add it into X and set intercept = FALSE.


a string that takes values in {"right", "left", "two"}, with "right" for one-sided tests \(H_i: \mu_i \le 0\), "left" for one-sided tests, \(H_i: \mu_i \ge 0\), and "two" for two-sided tests \(H_i: \mu_i = 0\).


the target FDR level.


the parameter for the dBH and dSU procedures. The default is NULL, which gives dBY or the safe dSU with gamma = 1 / Lm defined in Appendix C.1.


the type of tau function. In the current version, only "QC" (q-value-calibration) is supported with \(\tau(c; X) = cR_{BH}(c) / m\).


the number of iterations. In the current version it can only be 1, for dBH/dSU, or 2, for \(dBH^2\)/\(dSU^2\).


the a-values in the step-up procedures defined in Appendix C.1. The default is NULL, in which case avals is determined by avals_type. See Details.


a string that takes values in {"BH", "geom", "bonf", "manual"}, which determines the type of thresholds in the step-up procedures. See Details.


a real number that is larger than 1. This is the growing rate of thresholds when avals_type = "geom". See Details.


a real number in [0, 1], which is used to determine \(t_{hi}\) discussed in Section 4.2.


a real number that is larger than 1. It is used to filter out hypotheses with q-values above qcap X alpha, as discussed in Appendix C.2.2.


an integer for the size of the grid used when niter = 2. For two-sided tests, gridsize knots will be used for both the positive and negative sides.


a real number in [0, 1]. It is used by \(dBH^2\)/\(dSU^2\) to filter out hypotheses with \(g_i*(q_i | S_i)\) below exptcap X alpha / m in their initializations, as discussed in Appendix C.2.5.


a logical or NULL indicating whether the procedure is taken as safe. DON'T set is_safe = TRUE unless the covariance structure is known to be CPRDS. The default is NULL, which sets is_safe = TRUE if gamma = NULL or gamma is below 1 / Lm, and is_safe = FALSE otherwise.


a logical indicating whether a progress bar is shown.


a list with the following attributes

  • rejs: the indices of rejected hypotheses (after the randomized pruning step if any);

  • initrejs: the indices of rejected hypotheses (before the randomized pruning step if any);

  • cand: the set of candidate hypotheses for which \(g_i^{*}(q_i | S_i)\) is evaluated;

  • expt: \(g_i^{*}(q_i | S_i)\) for each hypothesis in cand;

  • safe: TRUE iff the procedure is safe;

  • secBH: TRUE iff the randomzied pruning step (a.k.a. the secondary BH procedure) is invoked;

  • secBH_fac: a vector that gives \(\hat{R}_i / R_{+}\) that is defined in Section 2.2. It only shows up in the output if secBH = TRUE.


dBH_lm can handle all dSU procedures that are defined in Appendix C.1. with $$\Delta_{\alpha}(r) = \frac{\alpha a_{\ell}}{m}, r\in [a_{\ell}, a_{\ell + 1}), \ell = 0, 1, \ldots, L$$ for any set of integer a-values \(1\le a_1 < \ldots < a_L\le m\) (with \(a_0 = 0, a_{L+1} = m+1\)). There are two-ways to input the a-values.

  • (Recommended) use avals_type while leave avals as its default. Three types of avals_type are supported.

    • When avals_type = "BH", the BH procedure is used (i.e. \(a_\ell = \ell, \ell = 1, \ldots, m\));

    • When avals_type = "geom", the geometrically increasing a-values that are defined in Appendix C.1. are used with the growing rate specified by geom_fac, whose default is 2;

    • When avals_type = "bonf", the Bonferroni procedure is used (i.e. \(a_1 = 1, L = 1\)).

  • (Not recommended) use avals while set avals_type = "manual". This option allows any set of increasing a-values. However, it can be much slower than the recommended approach.

See also


# Generate beta n <- 150 p <- 100 beta1 <- 0.5 nalt <- 10 beta <- c(rep(beta1, nalt), rep(0, p - nalt)) # Generate X and y set.seed(1) X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n) y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n) # Run dBH_1(\alpha) for one-sided tests alpha <- 0.05 res <- dBH_lm(y = y, X = X, side = "right", alpha = alpha, gamma = 1, niter = 1, avals_type = "BH") # Run dBH_1(\alpha) for two-sided tests res <- dBH_lm(y = y, X = X, side = "right", alpha = alpha, gamma = 1, niter = 1, avals_type = "BH") # Run dBH^2_1(\alpha) for one-sided tests alpha <- 0.05 res <- dBH_lm(y = y, X = X, side = "right", alpha = alpha, gamma = 1, niter = 2, avals_type = "BH") # Run dBH^2_1(\alpha) for one-sided tests res <- dBH_lm(y = y, X = X, side = "right", alpha = alpha, gamma = 1, niter = 2, avals_type = "BH") # Run dSU_1(\alpha) with the geometrically increasing a-values for one-sided tests res <- dBH_lm(y = y, X = X, side = "right", alpha = alpha, gamma = 1, niter = 1, avals_type = "geom", geom_fac = 2) # Run dBY(\alpha) for one-sided tests res <- dBH_lm(y = y, X = X, side = "right", alpha = alpha, gamma = NULL, niter = 1, avals_type = "BH") # Run dBY^2(\alpha) for one-sided tests res <- dBH_lm(y = y, X = X, side = "right", alpha = alpha, gamma = NULL, niter = 2, avals_type = "BH")